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League of Women Voters
Rensselaer County
265 River Street
Troy, NY 12180
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This is a list of interest categories and the interests within each category. Click on an interest to learn more about that item. If you are logged in, you will also see the members who have declared that interest, with a link to their member directory entry. Click the "More Info" link info to view additional information about the interest group.

Voter Services

68 Members
Registration may be in a variety of settings- Troy Farmers Market, High Schools, Community agencies for example
Coordinator: Shirley D Buel
32 Members
Welcoming new citizens and offering them the opportunity to register to vote
Coordinator:  Margo B. Singer
32 Members
Initiate and manage candidate forums both live and virtual. Various roles - moderator, time keeper, question reviewer are needed
Coordinator: Shirley D Buel
18 Members
Collect local candidate and voter information to submit to national League database of such information. Vote411 provides voters with information specific to their location.
Coordinator:  Mary Bonczar
23 Members
Reaching out to high school students re voter registration or participation in the NYS League education program - Students Inside Albany
Coordinator:  John Sniezyk
25 Members
Develop educational programs around League issues


Selected League issues for current local focus
52 Members
Advocating reform in the process of voting and Boards of Elections qualifications and practices in NYS
15 Members
Advocating for Medical Aid in Dying in the NYS Legislature.
Coordinator: Judy Meyer
29 Members
Activites to improve access, cost containment, equity, and safety in healthcare NYS.
Coordinator: Shirley D Buel
22 Members
Integrate DEI perspective in other activies of our League
Coordinator:  David M Green
45 Members
Reach out to both state and federal officials about upcoming legislation as well as encourage them to advocate for sound environmental policy. Some members participate in rallies at the state capital.
Coordinator:  Philomena E. Valente
21 Members
Following NYS legislative activity related to judicial and police policies, working with affiliated groups, planning educational and advocacy activities.
Coordinator:  Tiffani T Silverman
35 Members
Encouraging voter approval of ERA to NY Constitution as an amendment

Advocacy/Government Relations

26 Members
Advocacy work happens primarily in the late Fall and Spring when the NYS Legislature is in session. There will be an opportunity to participate in the LWV Advocacy Day in Albany and connect with other League members from across the state. We will be trained and equipped to meet with our elected representatives to advocate for League issues. There will also be opportunities to engage in email, letter writing, and social media campaigns to advocate.
Coordinator:  Nina M Nichols


17 Members
Write, collect, edit material for our periodic newsletter
Coordinator: Judy Meyer
10 Members
Learn and manage an aspect of our club express program
Coordinator: Judy Meyer


Providing a service while earning a fee
40 Members
Providing fair, secure election services to public groups such as libraries and nonprofit groups
Coordinator:  Steve Muller